About Me

P. Maree is on a mission to Impact, nurture, and restore hope to the divine inner-G (Inner-Goddess) for the purpose of initiating and optimizing the wholesome becoming of self for the sake of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth.
A Lioness in the field of overcoming adversity, P. Maree is a ferocious advocate for healing and wholeness. Ever since she was a young cub, she has been in the den fighting against predators who preyed on her and sought to devour her soul like victuals. Staying alive was not an option for her; it was her only choice! From early on she knew that there was a purpose for her life! She knew the fight was not about her but for those who were connected to her. So in the ‘darkest times’ of her life, she kept a ‘vision of light!’
Through tragedy, change, ups and downs P.Maree rose to become a Mighty Warrior waging war against the enemies that come to steal, kill and destroy Yahs loved ones. As a result of her increased faithfulness to the Kingdom she is now able to witness through her own personal testimony to be a powerhouse of influence and provide hope, love and healing to others.
As a child P.Maree had more of ‘less’ than she had ‘more’ of anything. There were no silver spoons. At times there was no sustenance on the table to embody. Home for P.Maree was filled with contention and chaos where she would witness constant domestic abuse, homelessness, living in shelters with her mom and siblings. Watching her mom become a battered single mother, living with family and friends was just the beginning of hardships she would endure. No-thing in her young life was consistent as she spent much of her life bouncing school to school and cot to cot. This became pretty mundane. These turmoil’s eventually misled P.Maree to an environment filled with molestation, street survival, gangs, sex, drugs, abuse and imprisonment (physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually). This strife did not matter. Her determination to ignite the light inside her outweighed all oppression!
The many vicissitudes in the course of P.Maree life is what eventually struck her passion and inspired her to get free. This freedom first led her to finding love in her Heavenly Father, that lead to healing that resulted to self-love then love for others. From her own pit to palace she birthed “House of Healing with P.maree (HOHP)/ho-p/. This discovery of wholesomeness, healing and love inspired P.Maree to commit herself to other women that share similar battle scars and brokenness.




Let's Work Together

Working collectively is how we make the world a better place. This first starts with us being a willing vessel to be accountable, transparent and even reliable! Take the first step by connecting with me. From there we begin the journey to leaving your legacy! We are world changers in the world's around! Lets BLOOM!

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