Step up!

by pateishamaree

Step up! The time is now! Do not be afraid! You are victorious!

Take CHARGE of your now. You become the future by being present! That is the gift! The enemy whole design is to defeat you! The first action that Satan takes to do this is by telling you, you can’t do it! Why? Because every good and bad thing starts in the mind. That is the place where the conception of all things happens! So, if the enemy can get in your head first, then the darkness it expels will stop you before you ever take your first step into light. Unfortunately, the enemy has assembled a lot of thoughts and interrupted a lot of purposes by attacking people with what we now see as a “widespread of mental health!” The word tells us to gird up our loins and protect our thoughts.  We can refer to a couple scriptures on the matter:

2 Corinthians 10:5 instructs us, 5 “and every high-minded thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Messiah.”

1 Peter 1:13 “Therefore, having girded up the loins of your mind, being sober, set your expectation perfectly upon the favour that is to be brought to you at the revelation of יהושע Messiah,”

In conclusion to this video and text, I just want to warn you on the severity of protecting your thoughts, body, spirit and peace. As well as encourage you to show up for the Kingdom, show up for yourself, and show up for those who are depending on you! There is always going to be an enemy trying to stop your play! It is the goal for your opponent to block you from scoring! Let this thrust you forward in your defense to drive it in and score! If the shot veers just keep attempting to throw it in until you score. Know that you are more than an OVERCOMER! And you can, you must, and you will do that in which you have been created to do.

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