Leaving Sin

by pateishamaree

We often get so used to doing what’s wrong, because to our senses it just feels oh so right! BUT, just because it feels right doesn’t mean that it’s NOT wrong!

Let that settle.

From the time we enter this world life starts teaching us the difference between “right and wrong.” We learn household dangers, respect and boundaries. We are also taught very quickly what happens when we step into danger or cross the boundaries. This decision usually leads to the path of our pains, traumas and fears. Nod your head if you agree? Okay cool. Let me continue…

It’s well known that children and adults are exposed to the principle of right and wrong (from the beginning of their learning process) as it is typically the first of many lessons learned. Therefore, when you find a child touching something they know good and damned well they shouldn’t be, their reaction to the violation is as if they already knew that there would be some effect. Without being able to understand the law of cause and effect, they were able to sense a consequence, whether beneficial or harmful, would result. Nonetheless, here it is, when we find ourselves tempted by sin and decide to take the risk of indulging in forbidden pleasures, we allow emotional and unprincipled thoughts to deceive us to conclude that there is a reward rather than a threat.

Anyhow, our human nature has the intellectual ability to choose between good and evil since we have the free will of deciding between the two. Unfortunately, the average person often times partakes in pleasurable indulgences that will result in some form of disorder, dissention, and/or disconnection, which involved them fully exercising their free will. This makes me think that was the same thing Eve did in the garden of Eden when she encountered Satan…more about that to come here shortly.

The thing is, we all have a choice and based on the choice that we make and the life we experience is the one that we create based on our decisions; whether it aligns with the reality of existence or the illusion of deception.

Now prepare yourself to submerge into deep waters with me.

Deep breath…3, 2, 1…


Can you recall doing something that you knew good and damned well that you had no business doing? Yet you indulged because the pleasure at that time felt so good. You even knew once it was over you were going to deal with the sustaining guilt, feeling bad and the overall regret, but in spite of it all, like a hard head, you kept going!

Can you recall the overwhelming feeling of conviction that you experienced after you did what you did?

Can you see the steps that you took that you could’ve taken differently?

Can you see where you allowed the enemy spirit to enter your thought and attempted to hijack your purpose?

It is imperative that we are always fully engaged in our thoughts! Why? Because the enemy does not sleep! The enemy is crafty and constantly on the prowl seeking to devour Yah’s people who are seeking the Kingdom to come. For that reason, we must be vigilante against the challenges of sin.

Once one spirit of sin comes in it makes you susceptible for many others to enter next, we find ourselves besieged and under attack. Some of these spirits will try manifesting themselves as light (2 Corinthians 11:14). For instance, the spirit of Lust will try showing up as love; arrogance as self-confidence; cynicism as self-care; greed as a need; and lies as truth! Therefore, let us be aware of these spirits including the spirit of fornication, abuse, addiction, adultery and the many others.  Lest we not create for ourselves unnecessary perils, illnesses and darkness’s.

Proverbs 5:21-23 in the MSG version it says:

“21 Mark well that God doesn’t miss a move you make; he’s aware of every step you take. 22 The shadow of your sin will overtake you; you’ll find yourself stumbling all over yourself in the dark. 23 Death is the reward of an undisciplined life; your foolish decisions trap you in a dead end.”

Grant it some of the challenges that we will be faced with against the shadows of sin are inevitable. This is why we must not go aloof from The Creator. In order to stay connected we must be grounded. Grounded to the Word, Voice and Spirit of Yah! This is where we gain sound instruction on how to carry on our path of light. Our roots must be rooted, connected and soiled to the ABSOLUTE TREE OF LIFE!

We are warned in Matthew 12:43-45:

43 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”

It is like a person who has struggled with addiction. They got cleansed and set free, but then return to their vomit. They know good and damned well that they are not in purpose and should not return to their former ways. Yet, they do. They fall back into their old habits, they wrestle with their identity, addiction and even self-restraint. Eventually, they fall weak and succumb to the spirits and because of their choices find themselves “filthy” again.

The remedies to the challenges typically take place in the “5 R phase” that I am about to explain below…

Addiction eventually creates exhaustion. When the addict becomes overwhelmed by exhaustion “the crash” occurs. This chain of events initiates the hitting “rock bottom” phase.

Rock bottom is where the areas of brokenness, addiction and hopelessness consumes the entire Spirit, Mind and Soul, bringing them into the state of “reflection.” The interpretation of the word reflection according to the Oxford scholars is the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.” Hitting rock bottom brings the addict to the reflection of the Light, Fire and Voice of Yah!

This encounter typically leads to submitting to the process of “repentance. The definition of repentance is “the action of repenting; sincere regret or remorse.” In addition, repentance “is reviewing one’s actions and feeling of contrition or regret for past wrongs, which is accompanied by commitment to and actual actions that show and prove a change for the better.” Repentance is essential for the individual to be restored and optimize their authentic identity.

The next step is recovery. According to Oxford dictionary recovery is a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.” Once an individual is well on the road to recovery, “redemption” starts its transfer.

The Oxford definition for “redemption” is the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.  Once the person enters into the checkpoint of redemption, they will find their true transformation transcending. During this period of grace, they are healed, freed and restored. After this cleansing they are released. Once back among the world they can fall back into their old ways if not committed to their actions of repentance.

The reintegration process is where self-control and choice are exercised. This stage should be utilized with wisdom. For many this is a complex stage and one of the many ways that people coming from out of sin can be tricked.

So, my message today is when you’re used to operating in sin it can feel purposeful even though it’s wrong! When you change that pattern of sin from operating so long in it you can feel worthless only because what you used to see as desirable has changed! The way sin is set up, if you waddle back and forth in it, it can cause you more confusion, feelings of unworthiness, guilt, shame, doubt and anxiety! We have to be Careful with sin and remember it’s ruler Satan is crafty, enticing us to rebel against our Creator in sin!

If you are feeling oppressed, suppressed and depressed from not being attached to your old ways it’s okay because Yah is cleaning you up, renewing your Ways to follow His Spirit and setting you on a straight path to light, to value and to purpose! Leaving sin is okay.

Other scripture references:

James 1:12-16

Matthew 12:43-45

Proverbs 5:21-23

2 Corinthians 11:14

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