Work With Me

My Services


Are we compatible? This 20 minute consultation will be a tea session with P.Maree to get a feel to see if her deliverance coaching is compatible for your needs. She believes in gifting the right fit. Just because she is good in what she does, does not mean that it will suit you!
With her aggressive approach(s) in slaying enemies she gets, it is not for the faint at heart or those that do not have the drive to be set apart. We know the value of time and wish not to waste yours or ours. Like now, time is at hand so let’s see if we are compatible.
P.Maree offers coaching for a healthier lifestyle in fitness, health and love life.

Fitness & Training

Health is wealth. How? Being healthy sustains you by increasing your access to longevity, joy, and clear consciousness to life. When fitness is implemented as part of our daily lives we reach our pinnacles. When fitness is not being executed, the lack thereof causes all kinds of negative instruments to play out.
When you decide to make the conscious decision to optimize in your fitness journey you minimize disease, sickness and other illnesses while maximizing in areas of health, spiritual keenness and healthier habits.


Have you been feeling blockage? Feeling like Purpose has been intercepted? Have you been feeling dark and lifeless inside? Want to vibe on a higher frequency? Well "Got Reiki?"
Reiki is an energy healing that enhances flow through your chakra wheels while promoting calmness, brain balance, stress reduction and much more all through gentle touch. Remote work is also available. For additional information please reach out.